Tuesday, April 16, 2013




FACT: It's Almost Impossible For The General Public To Beat The Books In Main Stream Sports Betting

L et me be frank with you, I'm not that sports betting industry professional that I mentioned above

I'm just a very lucky everyday person like you

You see, I met this guy one day when I was out for dinner with friends; he was the date of one of our friends.

I got talking to him over a few drinks and was instantly fascinated by his life.

He was well dressed, drove a nice car and just seemed to ooze wealth with every single step he took

In fact I'm pretty sure every single person in the restaurant thought this guy had some serious cash

This wasn't what interested me though, it's what he had to say

You know the kind of people I'm talking about, the people who are so busy making money they don't have the time to enjoy life.

He wasn't one of these guys, he told me that he spends a few minutes per day to pull in his 6 figure income.

I was initially a little shocked, I thought maybe he was one of those internet scammers

But he went on to say he was a professional sports investor, that he invested in sports betting and he was very good at it.

In fact he pulled out his iPhone and showed me some of his results over the last few months

He told me that on average he was winning 59.8% of the time and getting a 12% return on investment.

And this wasn't just over the last few months, this was based on over 900 plays

Now like me, you're probably getting a little curious now, at the time I'd had a few drinks and I can tell you I almost couldn't contain my excitement.

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