Saturday, April 27, 2013

Beat The Diet Cycle

Beat The Diet Cycle

Beat The Diet Cycle

Have you tried to lose weight in the past but have been frustrated by the self-deprivation and endless bouts of exercise? Have you lost weight via a strict weight regimen in the past, only to gain it all back again, plus a little extra? .

Are you tired of feeling like a failure all the time simply because of the way you look? Now you can stop worrying and start living because there s a new, innovative way to lose all the weight you want and keep it off permanently. And it doesn t require you to suffer through yet another strict diet or strenuous exercise regimen.

I know how being overweight can ruin your life because for years I struggled with my weight problem. Like many women, I found myself stuck in the Yo-yo dieting cycle: I would lose a little weight then gain it all back again with interest over and over and over again.

It got to the point where I could see people whispering and pointing at me behind my back. My self-esteem evaporated because I felt constantly judged all the time. Unable to permanently lose weight, I eventually ballooned up to 238 lbs. I was constantly out of breath. My joints and muscles constantly ached. My blood pressure and cholesterol skyrocketed. Worst of all, I felt like I was trapped in my own body. "Trapped in My Own Body"

The turning point came when my doctor told me that because of my uncontrollable weight gain, he was afraid I was at risk of developing Diabetes. And if I didn t do something soon, I could develop even more serious health problems, such as cardiovascular disease and even cancer. That s when it hit me: Things just got real I left his office a desperate woman. I had tried everything I could think of to lose weight and nothing seemed to work for me. Was I destined to be a victim of my own appetite? Would my children be orphaned because I couldn t stop eating? My guardian angel must have been watching over me that day because just when I had reached my lowest point, I saw a ray of hope. On the bus ride home, I noticed and advertisement for a research group that was looking for subjects to participate in an experimental weight loss program. The moment I got back to my flat, I rang up the clinic. I explained that I was desperate to lose weight and that I would do anything as long my weight loss was permanent. The doctor on the other side of the phone - Dr. Sarj Bahia - explained to me that the programme that he and clinical pharmacist Daljinder Sidhu had developed after years of research was not only an effective program, but it was simple to follow. A Room Full of Unhappy Overweight Women I immediately enrolled in the trial and the following Monday morning found myself in Dr. Bahia s impressive clinic in the UK, along with about a dozen other women, all of whom were as overweight as me. Some were even heavier. And none of us were happy. When Dr. Bahia explained how the program worked, the room was silent. All of us were shocked by its simplicity. Yet everything he said made perfect sense. Fast forward to a month later. After just 30 days, the average weight loss for the study participants was 14 lbs Not only did I look slimmer, but I felt healthier, more energetic and more alive than ever before. By the end of the program, I had lost a total of 24 lbs. And best of all, I have kept it off. My health improved significantly. My doctor was astonished at the change in my health. He told me I now had the body of a woman 10 years younger than me. Now It s YOUR Turn

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