Sunday, April 21, 2013

Rotator Cuff-Neck Pain-Shoulder Pain

Rotator Cuff-Neck Pain-Shoulder Pain

Rotator Cuff-Neck Pain-Shoulder Pain

We want you to be completely and totally satisfied with this product or we'd like to offer a full refund, no questions asked. If this electronic book does not meet your expectations, then simply contact us within 60 days of purchase for a full, 100% refund. You can suffer with shoulder pain Or you can get back to living life to the fullest PAIN FREE Click Here Now to Order - Only $39.95 Don't Waste Another Minute with Shoulder or Neck Pain Order now and receive the following 2 bonuses Bonus 1: The 5 Minute Stretch Guide for Ultra Tight Shoulders: Here is an easy 5 minute stretch guide to help alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with tight shoulders. Use these stretches and you'll feel better instantly. Bonus 2: How to Eliminate Neck Pain Immediately with 3 Easy Steps: If you're feeling tight in your neck muscles or have associated pain, these 3 quick and easy steps can help you get a good nights rest and a feeling of well being. Don't Suffer With Shoulder Pain from an Injury Any Longer than You Have To Click Here Now to Order - Only $39.95 How to get immediate relief when you have pain Learn exact healing process and recovery times for the most common shoulder injuries Which exercises and stretches restore full mobility the quickest How to use some simple self tests to determine the severity and nature of your injury As a physician who has practiced internal medicine, occupational medicine, and medical acupuncture for many years, I have had much experience evaluating and guiding patients through the healing processes involved for chronic back and shoulder pain. I can easily attest that Dr. Kareem Samhouri s books on these subjects are unusually complete. These guides lay out in easy, clear and thorough language and photos the processes involved to obtain maximum healing of these problems. He has a great depth of knowledge and experience in these areas, and gives important information about when you need to seek emergency medical attention and when you can manage the process following his guides. You will have a full understanding of the diagnosis, concepts of pain management, how to do the correct and specific exercises at home, work, or the gym, what to expect from your doctor, and what to expect in terms of recovery time. It s like having your own very special physical therapist/personal trainer with you all day, every day.

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