Saturday, May 25, 2013

sports executives association

sports executives association

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71.3% of sports professionals say they are constantly looking for ways to improve their results in the industry, and 91.5% say they would like to have a stronger network, especially with top level sports executives.

however, the 1 thing sports professionals want help with to take their career to the next level is: learning how to better connect through networking.

the sea is a new place to learn from industry pros, advance your sports career and build a more powerful network. This is a site for sports executives looking to improve their business or place in the industry. It s also a forum where you can share ideas and get qualified referrals from a trusted community.

i recently conducted a sports business survey and here are just a few quotes from some of the 1,000+ sports executives who answered the question: what is the 1 reason you work in the sports industry?

however, the sea isn't about me, it's about you . the sea was created for those who take massive action, and like to see results. it doesn't matter if you have 20+ years of experience or if you are just getting started. This is a place for those unique like-minded individuals to finally have a place to interact.

these individuals are part of a new generation. They value the power of networking with everyone, and adapt new ideas instead of sticking with the old ways of thinking. They also recognize the importance of staying ahead in new technologies and strategies to help their......Read More detail

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