Wednesday, May 22, 2013

how to write a screenplay

how to write a screenplay

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"there is a secret method to captivating an audience that you don't know about. Screenwriting courses aren't discussing it, and you won't find it in books. Nor will they teach you this method in film school. You can only learn this information right here, on this page. Keep reading; your screenwriting career depends on it. This information has never been discussed before." - christian blake
with the seven moments in screenwriting that really matter, you'll learn how to: objectively measure the strength of any scene elevate the overall quality of your script learn how to harness the power of the seven moments to captivate your audience you have a 56-day money back guarantee is this you: your finished screenplay sits in your lap. It's your masterpiece, and it has taken you many long months (or possibly years) to finish. You keep reading and analyzing and trying to pinpoint any possible weak points in your storyline. You give a copy to your friends to read, to co-workers, to your neighbors...and probably even your mom, hoping for their approval and input in case you missed something. After all, you only have one shot at this, and you better have your script perfect on its first submission. If hollywood agents and producers don't like what they read the first time around, your script is forever dead.

screenwriting is a business the audience is your customer give them exactly what they want or your script will fail whether it be a horror film, a love story, an adv......Read More detail

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