Thursday, June 13, 2013

Yoga 4 Mothers

Yoga 4 Mothers

Yoga 4 Mothers

Keep Your Body Fit and Your Baby Healthy

Having a baby is a very trying experience for a woman. Not only did you carry that little bundle of joy in your womb for 40 weeks, but you went through a very dramatic experience both physically and mentally bringing that baby into the world, and now you have given yourself up completely to taking care of that wonderfully beautiful being.

After having a baby, one of the last things that you are probably in the mood for is sex. While yes, it will be physically impossible for you to have sex for the first 6 weeks or so after having your baby, once your body is healed and you are physically ready to have sex again, it can still be difficult to get in the mood. What, with the lack of sleep, the worry, the fear that you will wake your baby and the new insecurities about your post-baby body it is no wonder that many women (as well as men) don t feel much up to having sex after having a baby.

It is every parent s worst nightmare colic. You want to do what you can to comfort your baby, but in the situation of colic, you don t know what your baby needs and no matter what you do, he still can t be settled.

If your baby is younger than 5 months old and is healthy in every way, cries for more than three hours in a row for more than three days a week for a period of at least three weeks, than your baby has colic.

There is no doubt that yoga is a highly beneficial exercise to practice during pregnancy. It helps to ease tension in both the body and the mind, it strengthens the body to prepare it for labor and delivery and to ease pregnancy symptoms, it calms the mind and it teaches useful techniques that will make the process of labor and delivery much more effective, quicker and less painful. Plus, it also helps to form a bond between you and your developing baby.

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