Sunday, June 2, 2013

get a record label | top music industry connections

get a record label | top music industry connections

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you must be at least 18 years of age to utilize this product successfully. you already know how hard it is to get in the music industry. If you've heard it once you've heard it a thousand times…

"you have to know somebody in order to be somebody" your friends and family don't have a clue how serious you are. They don't have a clue how hard you've worked or even how hard you're willing to work to get in the music business. And that's the sad part.

because if you're like the thousands of people i've helped coach over the years… i know you can't let a day go by without thinking about how successful you will be…once you get the right help.

if you're like the thousands of people i've helped coach over the years… you refuse to quit . You refuse to take "no" for an answer. Because something in your heart tells you that someday you're going to make it big.

i know this about you, because i've been in the industry for over 15 years. I've not only helped musicians, bands, and regular everyday people become top managers for top acts — but i know exactly what goes on behind the scenes at major record labels and publishing companies.

what i'm going to tell you in this letter is how you can defy the odds of being another industry statistic. Another somebody who wants to get in the music industry, but never makes it.

because you'll learn everything you need to know to actually get in the industry, get noticed, make a......Read More detail

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