Wednesday, June 12, 2013




Dread diseases come at us from two directions. First, we don t arm our bodies for battle by supplying the weapons they need. Second, enemies break in and create chaos, keeping our bodies from their appointed tasks.

In either case, it takes a while for disaster to strike. Meanwhile, we don t have a clue we re in trouble. We just bop along, singing a song, whilst believing we d know if a problem reared its ugly head.

Well, no. Unless we take steps to know what we need to know, our first clue will almost surely be when we reach the disaster we re headed for.

I don't have to tell you this isn t even close to a good plan.

We need to figure out how to, as they used to say in the old Western movies, Cut em off at the pass

Which means we have to learn some stuff.

So, first off, we need to know what our bodies are telling us. Sometimes even yelling at us. Oh, yeah, our bodies talk to us in a whole bunch of different ways.

And now that you know that, you need to pay attention. Well, that's tricky business because most of us don't understand the language.

Oh, if we get a fever, we know something's up. Same with a big time rash or a digestive system that insists on dancing the fandango.

Sometimes, though, our bodies are just yelling for help. And it s not a matter of rashes and the like, but fatigue and weakness that tell us our bodies are struggling.

Figuring out the something s up stuff takes effort, perhaps even a lot of effort. But then, avoiding disaster would seem to be worth some effort, don t you think?

But, and this is the second thing we need to know, while our bodies talk up a storm about what s going on, our enemies don t. They sneak around trying to work their woe without giving us a clue about what they re up to.

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