Wednesday, April 11, 2012

1,000 Weeks of Lotto - what worked, What Didn't ...

1,000 Weeks of Lotto - what worked, What Didn't ...

1,000 Weeks of Lotto - what worked, What Didn't ...

Do You REALLY Know How Your Lottery Works ?

Discover The Game-Types that Win 8 Weeks out of 10

Discover The Three Steps that Cut the Odds by OVER 80% - And Yet Still keep your games "In-the-Zone" that wins 2 weeks out of 3

Discover "The Smart Play Zones" - eg, 65% of All Winners come from just 2 of the 6 ways to combine Odds & Evens.

Discover The Game-Types you should NEVER play

Cutting Edge Knowledge that Boosts Your Lottery Results - Week after week after week - or It Doesn't Cost You a Cent

Discover why some Lottery Numbers ARE better than others - And No, it isn't what you think

Specifics ? Did you know that, over 20 years, the lowest ball ranged between 1 & 34 - But 80% of All Winning Games came from 1-10 Should You be Playing Lotto At All Without this Level of Knowledge ?

Do You Know How To ... Play 40% of the posssible combinations - And get ... 80% of the Results? If not, shouldn't you know ?

What's the Game-Type that comes out almost 1-week-in-two ? Shouldn't You be Looking Out for This Opportunity to Slash Odds in Half when this Game-Type is Overdue ?

WHY shouldn't you play the following twelve numbers as a System Entry in your lottery: 1 3 6 9 12 15 19 21 24 25 31 35 ? If you don't know - You can't afford to be without "1,000 Weeks of Lotto - What Worked, What Didn't." Stop wasting money today

An In-Depth Analysis of 1,000 Lotto Games - Almost TWENTY YEARS of Results Analysed For You This is today's info for the thinking Lotto player. The Unique, Nowhere-Else-On-The-Web Twenty Year Analysis that measures Theory v Actual Results - And Shows You both The Smart Plays and The Dumb Plays

1,000 Weeks of Lotto - What Worked, What Didn't is one resource that you simply cannot afford to be without if you are serious about wanting to win lotto.

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